Corrida de Houilles results

Corrida de Houilles : The results of 2023 edition are available. Find the complete ranking distance by distance: Positions, categories, times, speeds... You can also consult the list of winners and the complete ranking of previous editions.

Last event : 2023

โฑ๏ธ Official Timer:Oxybol
  • Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 12:00 PM
  • 3 loopsx3.3333โ€‰km
  1. Arnaud De lustrac
  2. Yoahn Tchicaya
  3. Valentin Yvorra
  4. Pierre Delmotte
  5. Pierre Nguyen
  6. Zakaria Bouaabila
  7. Lucas Gantes
  8. Antoine Causse
  9. Ignacio Witte
  10. Lorick Linget
  11. Thomas Bleuse
  12. Malo L'helguen
  13. Jean franรงois Nicot
  14. Justine Gaschy
  15. Alexandre Porte
  • Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 11:00 AM
  • 2,146+ runners in the last edition
  • 3 loopsx3.3333โ€‰km
  1. Bastien Augusto
  2. Simon Bedard
  3. Donovan Christien
  4. Charles Grethen
  5. Nils Serre gehri
  6. Thomas Urien
  7. Yoann Kowal
  8. Tristan Douchรฉ
  9. Louis Matte
  10. Sacha Perrier
  11. Antoine Villechenaud
  12. Christopher Gabez
  13. Antoine Vottier
  14. Jules Rannou
  15. Dylan Rannou
  1. Baptiste Le hir
  2. Milo Fablet
  3. Mathis Baillon
  4. Lilou Desmarets
  5. Louis Perez
  6. Noe Mansiat
  7. Eden Sadi
  8. Carmen Vedrenne
  9. Hanna Sadi
  10. Lucas Forgues
  11. Alexis Forgues
  12. Pepin Jules
  13. Laura Saraiva diallo
  14. lea Ererdem Alya
  15. Clรฉment Le hir

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